Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mid-Term Exam

I hope you had a great spring break. In tonight's class we will collaborate in groups to discuss the following ten questions that make up the mid-term exam. Take good notes. You will have one week, until April 1 midnight to upload your responses. Thank you. (I will bring hard copies of the questions to class.)

Public School Law
Mid-Term Spring 2009
Dr. Herrington

1. Why are public schools and private schools treated differently under the law? What legal principles apply to public school officials that do not apply to private school officials?

2. In almost cases, before an aggrieved matter can go to the courts, an individual must exhaust all procedures available to them within their schools. In Texas what procedures are available and what are the steps that are to be followed? Why would matters involving federally guaranteed rights be exempt from this requirement?

3. Under Title I (NCLB, previously known as ESEA) what does the NCLB Act require of schools that fail to make AYP? What about after 3 years? What about after 4 years?

4. On pages 55-56, what was the reasoning of the Supreme Court for permitting the enrollment in public schools of children illegally in the Unite States?

5. What are the requirements placed on public schools for addressing the special education, 504, ADA, IDEIA (formerly IDEA)? In general, what principle applies when assessing eligibility or non-eligibility of an individual to receive special accommodations and modifications for students?

6. Why is each letter in A.R.D. important as far as complying with the 14th Amendment and PL 94-142 is concerned?

7. According to your authors onpage 54, the TEA has responsibility for enforcing Civil Order 5281. What is this order and what is meant by achieving “unity?”

8. On pages 66-69 in your text, list at least 5 things a school is required to do in order to protect the safety and health of children and adults.

9. On pages 71-75 list at least 5 things a school district is required to do in order comply with accountability requirements where curriculum is concerned.

10. On pages 91-93 list at least 5 things a school district is requied to do in order to protect abused and neglected children.

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